Monday, November 5, 2012

a day

so it was good. i mean, it wasnt bad. it had its share of why moments but i liked ti. full. it felt complete with its ups and downs, who rides a roller coaster to feel safe. i dont like risks you say, but mortality is a constant risk of everything you know and could have become, and might become. no one knows. except maybe the grand mover, but he ceased further comment after the revelations. oh what is it he does now you ask? who knows. intercedes, maybe. perhaps he watches the dominos knock one to the other. finally kicking back and watching creation play out. when i was i young i would spin my self around and round in the swing, reaching all the way to my tip toes on the brink of what would seem like an infinite spin. i would let myself go. god may watch us this way. giggling when we toss side to side, amazed at the momentum of his power. a well earned show after a hard moment's work. do you laugh when i sway because you sway also. surely you know what it is to lose control. who do you submit to? if it is no one, are you really so honest that you need no counselors nor accountability? surely the bad has also come from you, the high counselor who omits only a lovely, lustful scent. we inhale it as reality comes, sprinkling hope on the senses. infinite spin. dizziness. desire, for peace, for wholeness, for passion. desire to have desire. it is, after, an acquired taste.